Student Highlights
- Biomedical engineering undergradate students honored at the biomedical engineering undergraduate graduation reception included Thomas Riley for serving as Student Marshal, Sarah Krishner receiving the Spirit Award and Monica Corsetti receiving Best Thesis Award.
- Soohyun Park, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, received the Harold K. Schilling Dean's Graduate Scholarship Award.
- Soohyun Park, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, received a scholarship from the Korean American Scholarship Foundation.
- You Jung Kang received a Biophysical Society Travel award.
- Senior Capstone Design Project Results: Biomedical engineering project group "Vlad's Table" won first place for most innovative video.
- Senior Capstone Design Project Results: Biomedical engineering team including seniors Alex Bauer, Kelley Carey, Sarah Krishner, George Moroney and Thomas Riley placed second for the project "Vlad's Table."
- Senior Capstone Design Project Results: A team including bioengineers Andrew Leber, Xinzhou Li and Khalil Ramadi placed second for the project "IV Therapy UV-C Light Disinfecting Device."
- Penn State News article "Students showcare research, IT at the Undergraduate Exhibition"featured Monica Corsetti for her research "An Experimenal Setup to Test the Effects of Shear Stress on von Willebrand Factor."
- Penn State News article "Students showcase research, IT at the Undergraduate Exhibition" featured Boyd Warwick-Clark for being part of a team using gaming to bring health care to Kenya.
- Xavier Candela placed first at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Exhibition in Engineering.
- Monica Corsetti placed second at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Exhibition in Engineering.
- Undergraduate biomedical engineering students Nathan Deturk, Joanna Kinney, Allison Lee, Joe Moroney and Brendan Weiss danced in THON 2014 for the kids.
- Gloria Kim, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, received the 2013 BMES Innovation and Career Development Travel Award and a scholarship from the Korean American Scholarship Foundation.
- Brittany Banik, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, received a Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship.
- Gloria Kim, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, received a Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship.
- Brittany Banik, bioengineering Ph.D. candidate, featured in Penn State News article "Grad fellow aims to engineer better synthetic tendon replacement".