Dave Proctor
Time course of experimentally induced endothelial dysfunction in healthy humans
Project Description: I would like the student to characterize the time course and extent of experimentally induced endothelial dysfunction in healthy humans. Endothelial function will be measured before and at several time points following (30-, 60-, and 120-minutes) acute hemodynamic stimuli previously shown to reduce brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) in healthy adults. The project will compare the time course of FMD attenuation and restoration following two acute hemodynamic stimuli: 1) ischemia re-perfusion injury (induced by 20 minutes of upper arm cuff occlusion and release) and 2) venous distension in the arm (hanging one arm over the side of a bed for 60 minutes). Microvascular responses will also be compared between the experimental and control forearms using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). This project will be conducted in healthy young adults. These studies will establish our ability to experimentally induce and quantify acute reductions in macro- and micro-vascular endothelial function in humans. This will ultimately allow my lab to determine if consumption of nitrate-rich beetroot juice (a nitric oxide boosting therapy) can protect against acute reductions in endothelial function under highly controlled conditions.
Contact Information
- Keefe Manning, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Surgery
kbm10@psu.edu - Lacy Alexander, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Kinesiology
Faculty Research
- Lacy Alexander
- Justin Brown
- Peter Butler
- Cheng Dong
- Patrick Drew
- Larry Kenney
- Donna Korzick
- Penny Kris-Etherton
- Josh Lambert
- Keefe Manning
- Scott Medina
- Jim Pawelczyk
- Dave Proctor
- Pak Kin Wong
- Hui Yang