Student Groups
Biomedical Engineering Society
The Penn State chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is an organization created with the purpose of providing an environment in which students can interact with educators and professionals in engineering, science and medicine. We provide a means for students to explore bioengineering beyond academia. You don’t have to be a biomedical engineering major to join. Come out and join us for our next event!
Graduate Student Forum
The Bioengineering Graduate Student Forum is a student body with the primary aim of strengthening the sense of community and camaraderie among the students of the Penn State Biomedical Engineering graduate program at the University Park and Hershey campuses. It is intended to serve the current and new graduate students by striving for increased interaction among all students of the program and faculty, both professionally and socially. It will also serve as a platform for exchanging student perspectives and news and information on upcoming professional and research opportunities.
To contact: bmes.gsa.psu@gmail.com