2016.10 Tim's paper on tunable and label-free virus enrichment for ultrasensitive virus detection using carbon nanotube arrays is published by Science Advances. [Link] [pdf] [video] [NIH Director's blog] Congratulations!
2016.10 Tim won Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award. Congratulations!
2016.06 Tim won Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award. Congratulations!
2016.06 Laura passed her candidacy exam. Congratulations!
2016.06 Mackenzie passed her candidacy exam. Congratulations!
2016.06 Dr. Hongzhang He joined the lab. Welcome!
2016.01 Dr. Chuandong Zhu joined the lab. Welcome!
2016.01 Dr. Wenqing Li joined the lab. Welcome!
2016.01 Sijie passed his Ph.D comprehensive exam. Congratulations!