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Feature Articles


1.     J.-H. Lee, S. M. Chin, K. E. Mach, A. M. Bobenchik, J. C. Liao, S. Yang, and P. K. Wong, “Translating microbiota analysis for clinical applications”, Nature Reviews Bioengineering 2, 284, 2024. Link SharedIt

2.     N. Zhu, Mona Ahmed, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “Long Noncoding RNA MALAT1 is Dynamically Regulated in Leader Cells during Collective Cancer Invasion”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, e2305410120, 2023. Link

3.     S. A. Vilchez Mercedes, F. Bocci, H. Levine, J. N. Onuchic, M. K. Jolly and P. K. Wong, “Decoding leader cells in collective cancer invasion”, Nature Reviews Cancer, 21, 592, 2021. Link SharedIt

4.     H. Li, E. Shkolyar, J. Wang, S. Conti, A. C. Pao, J. C. Liao, T.-S. Wong and P. K. Wong, “SLIPS-LAB—A bioinspired bioanalysis system for metabolic evaluation of urinary stone disease”, Science Advances 6, eaba8535, 2020. Link

5.     H. Li, P. Torab, P. K. Wong, “Detection of bacterial infection via a fidget spinner”, Nature Biomedical Engineering 4, 577–578, 2020.  Link SharedIt

6.     H. Li, P. Torab, K. E. Mach, C. Surrette, M. R. England, D. W. Craft, N. J. Thomas, J. C. Liao, C. Puleo, and P. K. Wong, “Adaptable microfluidic system for single-cell pathogen classification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 10270-10279, 2019. Link

7.     R. Riahi, J. Sun, S. Wang, M. Long, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Notch1-Dll4 signaling and mechanical force regulate leader cell formation during collective cell migration” Nature Communications 6, 6556, 2015.  Link


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Archived Journal Publications

1.     R. Abe*, J.-H. Lee*, S. M. Chin*, N. Ram-Mohan, K. C. Tjandra, A. M. Bobenchik, K. E. Mach, J. C. Liao, P. K. Wong†, and S. Yang†, “Precision Single Cell Analysis to Characterize Host Dependent Antimicrobial Response Heterogeneity in Physiological Medium,” Lab on a Chip (in press).

2.     Y. Song, J. Soto, X. Lin, T. Hoffman, E. Hu, N. Zhu, J. Zarubova, Y. Wu, J. Tian, P. K. Wong, S. Li, “Nano-Biosensors for mRNA-Based Cell Sorting Using Intracellular Markers at the Early Stage of Cell Reprogramming,” Advanced Functional Materials 2410910, 2024. Link

3.     J.-H. Lee, S. M. Chin, K. E. Mach, A. M. Bobenchik, J. C. Liao, S. Yang, and P. K. Wong, “Translating microbiota analysis for clinical applications,” Nature Reviews Bioengineering 2, 284, 2024. Link SharedIt

4.     J.-H. Lee, S. M. Chin, D. C. Chan, J. C. Liao, S. Yang, N. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Rapid Microbial Profiling through Multimodal Biosensors for Transversal Analysis,” Analytical Chemistry 96, 12535, 2024. Link

5.     K. C. Tjandra*, N. Ram-Mohan*, M. Roshardt*, Z. Qu, E. Zudock, K. E. Mach, O. Eminaga, J. C. Liao, S. Yang#, and P. K. Wong#, “MorphoAST – A Machine Learning Workflow for Sub-Doubling Time Single Cell Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing,” Front. Imaging 3, 1418669, 2024. Link

6.     Y. Li, N. Zhu, M. Ahmed, J. Urbina, T.-Y. Huang, and P. K. Wong, “Three-dimensional Computer Vision for Exploring Heterogeneity in Collective Cancer Invasion,” Scientific Reports 14, 23560, 2024. Link

7.     N. Zhu, Mona Ahmed, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong#, “Long Noncoding RNA MALAT1 is Dynamically Regulated in Leader Cells during Collective Cancer Invasion” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, e2305410120, 2023. Link

8.     H. Li, H. Hsieh, P. K. Wong, K. E. Mach, J. C. Liao, T.-H. Wang, “Single-cell pathogen diagnostics for combating antibiotic resistance,” Nature Reviews methods primers 3:6, 2023. Link

9.     J. P. P. Mendes, N. Zhu, and P. K. Wong, “A sticky-end probe biosensor for homogeneous detection of transcription factor binding activity,” SLAS Technology 28, 345-350, 2023. Link

10.  Y. Song, J. Soto, B. Chen, W. Zhao, T. Hoffman, N. Zhu, Q. Peng, C. Ly, P. K. Wong, Y. Wang, A. C. Rowat, S. K. Kurdistani, S. Li, “Transient nuclear deformation primes epigenetic state and promotes cell reprogramming”, Nature Materials 21, 1191, 2022. Link

11.  J.-H. Lee, C. van der Linden, F. J. Diaz, P. K. Wong, “A reconfigurable microfluidic building block platform for high-throughput nonhormonal contraceptive screening,” Lab on a Chip 13, 2531-2539, 2022 (Lab on a Chip Hot Articles 2022). Link 

12.  K. C. Tjandra, N. Ram-Mohan, R. Abe, M. M. Hashemi, J. H. Lee, S. M. Chin, M. A. Roshardt, J. C. Liao, P. K. Wong, and S. Yang, "Diagnosis of Bloodstream Infections: An Evolution of Technologies towards Accurate and Rapid Identification and Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing," Antibiotics (Basel), 11, 511 2022. Link

13.  S.A Vilchez Mercedes*, F. Bocci*, N. Zhu, H. Levine, J. N Onuchic, M. K. Jolly, and P. K. Wong, “Nrf2 modulates the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype and Notch signaling during collective cancer migration”, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9, 807324, 2022. Link

14.  C. H. Meredith, A. Castonguay, Y.-J. Chiu, A. M. Brooks, P. Moerman, P. Torab, P. K. Wong, A. Sen, D. Velegol, L. D. Zarzar, “Chemical design of self-propelled Janus droplets”, Matters 5, 616-633, 2022. Link

15.  S.A Vilchez Mercedes*, I. Eder*, M. Ahemd, N. Zhu, and P. K. Wong, “Optimizing locked nucleic acid modification in double-stranded biosensors for live single cell analysis”, Analyst 147, 722-733, 2022. Link

16.  S. A. Vilchez Mercedes, F. Bocci, H. Levine, J. N. Onuchic, M. K. Jolly and P. K. Wong, “Decoding leader cells in collective cancer invasion”, Nature Reviews Cancer 21, 592, 2021. Link SharedIt

17.  P. Torab, Y. Yan, M. Ahmed, H. Yamashita, J. Warrick, J. Raman, D. J. DeGraff, P. K. Wong, “Intratumoral Heterogeneity Promotes Collective Cancer Invasion Through NOTCH1 Variation”, Cells 10, 3084, 2021. Link 

18.  B. Forsyth*, Peter Torab*, J.-H. Lee, T. Malcom, T.-H. Wang, J. C. Liao, S. Yang, E. Kvam, C. Puleo, and P. K. Wong, “A Rapid Single-Cell Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Workflow for Bloodstream Infections”, Biosensors 11, 288, 2021. Link 

19.  B. Scherer, C. Surrette, H. Li, P. Torab, E. Kvam, C. Galligan, S. Go, G. Grossmann, T. Hammond, T. Johnson, R. St-Pierre, J. Nelson, R. A. Potyrailo, T. Khire, K. Hsieh, J. T.-H. Wang, P. K. Wong, and C. Puleo, “Digital Electrical Impedance Analysis for Single Bacterium Sensing and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing”, Lab on a Chip 21, 1073, 2021. Link 

20.  H. Chen, N. Zhu, M. Osman, R. Biskowitz, J. Liu, S. Khandare, P. Bulter, P. K. Wong, and S.-R. Kothapalli, “A transparent low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) chip for high-throughput cell stimulation, Lab on a Chip 21, 4728-4848, 2021. Link

21.  H. Li, E. Shkolyar, J. Wang, S. Conti, A. C. Pao, J. C. Liao, T.-S. Wong, and P. K. Wong, “SLIPS-LAB—A bioinspired bioanalysis system for metabolic evaluation of urinary stone disease”, Science Advances 6, eaba8535, 2020. Link

22.  H. Li, P. Torab, P. K. Wong, “Detection of bacterial infection via a fidget spinner”, Nature Biomedical Engineering 4, 577–578, 2020. Link SharedIt

23.  P. Torab*, Y. Yan*, H. Yamashita, J. I. Warrick, J. D. Raman, D. J. DeGraff, and P. K. Wong, “Three-Dimensional Microtumors for Probing Heterogeneity of Invasive Bladder Cancer” Analytical Chemistry 92, 8768, 2020. Link

24.  N. Zhu and P. K. Wong, “Advances in Viral Diagnostic Technologies for Combating COVID-19 and Future Pandemics”, SLAS Technology 25, 513, 2020. Link

25.  EKH Chow, P. K. Wong, and X Ding, “Advances in Technology to Address COVID-19”, SLAS Technology 25, 511, 2020 Link

26.  S. Punj, D. Sidhu, D. Bhattacharya, M. Wang, and P. K. Wong, “An Electrochemical Biosensor Platform for Rapid Immunoanalysis of Physiological Fluids”, IEEE OJ Nano 1, 31-37, 2020. Link

27.  J. Wang, L. Wang, N. Sun, R. Tierney, H. Li, M. Corsetti, L. Williams, P. K. Wong, and T.-S. Wong, “Viscoelastic solid-repellent coatings for extreme water saving and global sanitation”, Nature Sustainability 2, 1097–1105, 2019. Link

28.  H. Li, P. Torab, K. E. Mach, C. Surrette, M. R. England, D. W. Craft, N. J. Thomas, J. C. Liao, C. Puleo, and P. K. Wong, “Adaptable microfluidic system for single-cell pathogen classification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 10270-10279, 2019. Link

29.  Y. Xiao, R. Riahi, P. Torab, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Collective Cell Migration in 3D Epithelial Wound Healing”, ACS NANO 13, 1204-1212, 2019. Link

30.  H. Li, M. Morowitz, N. Thomas, and P. K. Wong, “Rapid Single Cell Microbiological Analysis – Toward Precision Management of Infections and Dysbiosis”, SLAS Technology 24, 603-605, 2019. Link

31.  H. Yamashita, Y. Kawasawa, L. Shuman, Z. Zheng, T. Tran, V. Walter, J. Warrick, H. Al-Ahmadie, M. Kaag, P. K. Wong, J. Raman, G. Chen, and D. DeGraff, “Repression of Transcription Factor AP-2 Alpha by PPARγ Reveals a Novel Transcriptional Circuit in Basal-squamous Bladder Cancer”, Oncogenesis 8, 69, 2019. Link

32.  H. Li, T. Garner, F. Diaz, and P. K. Wong, “A Multiwell Microfluidic Device for Analyzing and Screening Nonhormonal Contraceptive Agents”, Small, 15, 1901910, 2019.  Link

33.  F. Bocci*, S. C. Tripathi*, S A Vilchez Mercedes*, J. T. George, J. P Casabar, P. K. Wong, S. M. Hanash, H. Levine, J. N. Onuchic, M. K. Jolly, “NRF2 activates a partial Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and is maximally present in a hybrid Epithelial/Mesenchymal phenotype”, Integrative Biology 11, 251-263, 2019. Link

34.  J. Gao, H. Li, P. Torab, K. E. Mach, D. W. Craft, N. J. Thomas, C. M. Puleo, J. C. Liao, T.-H. Wang, and P. K. Wong, “Nanotube Assisted Microwave Electroporation for Single Cell Pathogen Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing”, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 17, 246-253, 2019. Link

35.  Y. Wan, N. Zhu, Y. Lu, and P. K. Wong, “A DNA Transformer for Visualizing Endogenous RNA Dynamics in Live Cells”, Analytical Chemistry 91, 2626-2633, 2019. Link

36.  N. Jamilpour, K.-H. Nam, C. Gregorio, and P, K. Wong, “Probing Collective Mechanoadaptation in Cardiomyocyte Development by Plasma Lithography Patterned Elastomeric Substrates”, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 5, 3808-3816, 2019. Link

37.  K. E. Mach, A. M. Kaushik, K. Hsieh, P. K. Wong, T.-H. Wang, J. C. Liao, “Optimizing Peptide Nucleic Acid Probes for Hybridization-based Detection and Identification of Bacterial Pathogens” Analyst 144, 1565-1574, 2019. Link

38.  Z. S. Dean, N. Jamilpour, M. J. Slepian, and P. K. Wong, “Decreasing Wound Edge Stress Enhances Leader Cell Formation during Collective Smooth Muscle Cell Migration” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 5, 3864-3875, 2019. Link

39.  S. Wang, Y. Xiao, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “A Gapmer Aptamer Nanobiosensor for Real-time Monitoring of Transcription and Translation in Single Cells”, Biomaterials 156, 56-64, 2018. Link

40.  H. Li, Y. Lu, P. K. Wong, “Diffusion-reaction kinetics of microfluidic amperometric biosensors”, Lab on a Chip 18, 2086, 2018.  Link

41.  M. Chu, S. Novak, C. Cover, A. Wang, I. Chinyere, E. Juneman, D. Zarnescu, P. K. Wong, and Carol Gregorio, “Increased cardiac arrhythmogenesis associated with gap junction remodeling with upregulation of RNA binding protein FXR1”, Circulation 137, 605-618, 2018. Link

42.  M. Dodson, P. Liu, T. Jiang, A. J. Ambrose, G. Luo, M. Rojo de la Vega, A. B. Cholanians, P. K. Wong, E. Chapman, and D. D. Zhang, “Increased O-GlcNAcylation of SNAP29 Drives Arsenic-Induced Autophagic Dysfunction”, Molecular and Cellular Biology 38, e00595-17, 2018. Link

43.  G. B. Kim, Y. Chen, W. Kang, J. Guo, R. Payne, H. Li, Q. Wei, J. Baker, C. Dong, S. Zhang, P. K. Wong, E. B. Rizk, J. Yan, J. Yang, “The critical chemical and mechanical regulation of folic acid on neural engineering”, Biomaterials 178, 504-516, 2018. Link

44.  Z. Wang and P. K. Wong, “Development of DNA Pair Biosensor for Quantization of Nuclear Factor Kappa B”, Biosensors 8, 126, 2018. Link

45.  C. Surrette, B. Scherer, A. Corwin, G. Grossmann, A. M. Kaushik, K. Hsieh, P. Zhang, J. C. Liao, P. K. Wong, T. H. Wang, and C. M. Puleo, “Rapid Microbiology Screening in Pharmaceutical Workflows”, SLAS Technology 23, 387-394, 2018.  Link

46.  M. Dodson, M. Rojo de la Vega, B. Harder, R. Castro-Portuguez, S. D. Rodrigues, P. K. Wong, E. Chapman, D. D. Zhang. Low-level arsenic causes proteotoxic stress and not oxidative stress. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 341, 106-113, 2018. Link

47.  Y. Sun, D.-J. Kim, and P. K. Wong, “Advancing Mechanobiology by Micro/Nanosystems”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 17, 371, 2018. Link

48.  E. Altobelli, R. Mohan, K. E. Mach, M. L. Y. Sin, V. Anikst, M. Buscarini, P. K. Wong V. Gau, N. Banaei, J., C. Liao, “Integrated Biosensor Assay for Rapid Uropathogen Identification and Phenotypic Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing”, European Urology Focus 3, 293-299, 2017. Link  

49.  S. Wang, J. Sun, Y. Xiao, Y. Lu, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Intercellular Tension Negatively Regulates Angiogenic Sprouting of Endothelial Tip Cells via Notch1-Dll4 Signaling” Advanced Biosystems, 1600019, 2017. Link Mov1

50.  J. Gao, L. Jeffries, K. E. Mach, D. W. Craft, N. J. Thomas, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “A Multiplex Electrochemical Biosensor for Bloodstream Infection Diagnosis”, SLAS Technology 22, 466-474 (2017). Link  

51.  E. M. K. K. Hewage, D. Spear, T. M. Umstead, S. Hu, M. Wang, P. K. Wong, Z. C. Chroneos, E. S. Halstead, and N. J. Thomas, “An Electrochemical Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Pediatric Bloodstream Infections”, SLAS Technology 22, 616-625, 2017. Link

52.  S. Wang, J. Sun, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “A Nanobiosensor for Dynamic Single Cell Analysis during Microvascular Self-Organization” Nanoscale 8, 16894-16901, 2016. Link  PDF

53.  Z. S. Dean, P. Elias, N. Jamilpour, U. Utzinger, and P. K. Wong, “Probing 3D collective cancer invasion using double-stranded locked nucleic acid biosensors” Analytical Chemistry 88, 8902-8907, 2016. Link  PDF

54.  M. Long, M. R. de la Vega, Q. Wen, M. Bharara, T. Jiang, R. Zhang, S. Zhou, P. K. Wong, G. T. Wondrak, H. Zheng, and D. D. Zhang, “An essential role of NRF2 in diabetic wound healing” Diabetes 65, 780-793, 2016. Link

55.  J. Sun, J. B. Hoying, P. A. Deymier, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Cellular Architecture Regulates Collective Calcium Signaling and Cell Contractility” PLoS Computational Biology 12, e1004955, 2016. Link

56.  Y. Yang, N. Jamilpour, B. Yao, Z. S. Dean, R. Riahi and P. K. Wong, “Probing Leader Cells in Endothelial Collective Migration by Plasma Lithography Geometric Confinement”, Scientific Reports 6, 22707, 2016. Link

57.  Y. Lu, Q. Ren, T. Liu, S. L. Leung, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, C. L. Chan, P. K. Wong, “Long-range electrothermal fluid motion in microfluidic systems”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 98, 341-349, 2016. Link 

58.  Y. Xiao, Y. Lu, M. Hsieh, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “A Microfiltration Device for Urogenital Schistosomiasis Diagnostics” PLoS ONE 11, e0154640, 2016.  Link

59.  Q. Tang, M. Liang, Y. Lu, P. K. Wong, G. J. Wilmink, D. Zhang, H. Xin, “Microfluidic Devices for Terahertz Spectroscopy of Live Cells Toward Lab-on-a-Chip Applications. Sensors 16, 476, 2016.” Link

60.  R. Riahi, J. Sun, S. Wang, M. Long, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Notch1-Dll4 signaling and mechanical force regulate leader cell formation during collective cell migration” Nature Communications 6, 6556, 2015.  Link  PDF  SI

61.  S. Wang, R. Riahi, N. Li, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, "Single Cell Nanobiosensors for Dynamic Gene Expression Profiling in Native Tissue Microenvironments", Advanced Materials 27, 6034-6038, 2015. Link PDF

62.  C. T. Pappas, R. M. Mayfield, C. Henderson, N. Jamilpour, C. Cover, Z. Hernandez, K. R. Hutchinson, M. Chu, K.-H. Nam, J. M. Valdez, P. K. Wong, H. L. Granzier, and C. C. Gregorio, “Knockout of Lmod2 results in shorter thin filaments followed by dilated cardiomyopathy and juvenile lethality”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 13573-13578, 2015. Link  PDF

63.  Y. Lu, D. Macias, Z. S. Dean, N. R. Kreger, and P. K. Wong, “A UAV-Mounted Whole Cell Biosensor System for Environmental Monitoring Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 15, 811-817m 2015. Link PDF

64.  K. Mach, R. Mohan, S. Patel, P. K. Wong, M. Hsieh, J. C. Liao, “Development of a biosensor-based rapid urine test for detection of urogenital schistosomiasis”, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases e0003845, 2015. Link PDF

65.  T. Jiang, B. Harder, M. Rojo de la Vega, P. K. Wong, E. Chapman, and D. D. Zhang, "p62 links autophagy and Nrf2 signaling", Free Radical Biology & Medicine 88, 199-204, 2015. Link PDF

66.  Y. Lu, T. Liu, A. C. Lamanda, M. L. Y. Sin, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “AC Electrokinetics of Physiological Fluids for Biomedical Applications” Journal of Laboratory Automation 20, 611-620, 2015. Link PDF

67.  T. Wu, B. G. Harder, P. K. Wong, J. E. Lang, and D. D. Zhang, “Oxidative Stress, Mammospheres and Nrf2 – New Implication for Breast Cancer Therapy” Molecular Carcinogenesis 54, 1494-1502, 2015. Link PDF

68.  K. R. Ammann, K. J. DeCook, P. L. Tran, V. M. Merkle, P. K. Wong, and M. J. Slepian, “Collective cell migration of smooth muscle and endothelial cells: impact of injury versus non-injury stimuli”, Journal of Biological Engineering 9:19, 2015. Link PDF

69.  T. Shen, T. Jiang, M. Long, J. Chen, D. Ren, P. K. Wong, E. Chapman, B. Zhou, and D. D. Zhang, “ A curcumin derivative that inhibits vinyl carbamate-induced lung carcinogenesis via activation of the Nrf2 protective response”, Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 23, 651-664, 2015. Link PDF

70.  J. Sun, Y. Xiao, S. Wang, M. J. Slepian, and P. K. Wong, “Advances in techniques for probing mechanoregulation of tissue morphogenesis” Journal of Laboratory Automation 20, 127-137, 2015. Link PDF

71.  Z. Dean, R. Riahi, P. K. Wong, “Spatiotemporal dynamics of microRNA during epithelial collective cell migration” Biomaterials 37, 156-163, 2015. PDF

72.  S. Tao, S. Wang, S. J. Moghaddam, A. Ooi and E. Chapman, P. K. Wong and D. D. Zhang, “Oncogenic KRAS confers chemoresistance by transcriptional upregulation of NRF2 via the TPA Response Element” Cancer Research 74, 7430-7441, 2014.  PDF

73.  T. Wu, F. Zhao, B. Gao, C. Tan, N. Yagishita, T. Nakajima, P. K. Wong, E. Chapman, D. Fang, and D. D. Zhang. “Hrd1 suppresses Nrf2-mediated cellular protection during liver cirrhosis” Genes & Development 28, 708-722, 2014. PDF

74.  K.-H. Nam, N. Jamilpour, E. Mfoumou, F.-Y. Wang, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Probing Mechanoregulation of Neuronal Differentiation by Plasma Lithography Patterned Elastomeric Substrates” Scientific Reports 4, 6965, 2014. PDF

75.  R. Riahi, S. Wang, M. Long, N. Li, P.-Y. Chiou, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Mapping Photothermally Induced Gene Expression in Living Cells and Tissues by Nanorod-Locked Nucleic Acid Complexes” ACS Nano 8, 3597-3605, 2014. PDF

76.  T. Liu, Y Lu, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “Rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing with electrokinetics enhanced biosensors for diagnosis of acute bacterial infections” Annals of Biomedical Engineering 42, 2314-2321, 2014. PDF

77.  J. Sun, N. Jamilpour, F.-Y. Wang, and P. K. Wong, “Geometric Control of Capillary Architecture via Cell-Matrix Mechanical Interactions”, Biomaterials 35, 3273-3280, 2014. PDF

78.  T. Liu, M. L. Y. Sin, J. D. Pyne, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “Electrokinetic Stringency Control in Self-Assembled Monolayer-based Biosensors for Multiplex Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis”, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 10, 159-166, 2014. PDF   

79.  M. L. Y. Sin, K. E. Mach, P. K. Wong, and J. C. Liao, “Advances and challenges in biosensor-based diagnosis of infectious diseases”, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 2, 225-244, 2014. PDF

80.  R. Riahi, M. Long, Y. Yang, Z Dean, D. D. Zhang, M. J. Slepian, and Pak Kin Wong, “Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis in Injury-Induced Collective Cell Migration”, Integrative Biology 6, 192-202, 2014. PDF

81.  M. W. Kadlec, D. You, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “A cell phone-based microphotometric system for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing”, Journal of Laboratory Automation 19, 258-266, 2014.  PDF

82.  R. Riahi Y. L. Yang, H. Kim, L. Jiang, P. K. Wong, and Y. Zohar. “A microfluidic model for organ-specific extravasation of circulating tumor cells”, Biomicrofluidics 8, 024103, 2014. PDF

83.  S. Tao, Y. Zheng, A. Lau, M. C. Jaramilo, B. T. Chau, C. R. Lantz, P. K. Wong, G. Wondrak, and D. D. Zhang, “Tanshinone l activates the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response and protects against As(III)-induced lung inflammation in vitro and in vivo”, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 19, 1647-1661, 2013. PDF 

84.  M. L. Y. Sin, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “A Universal Electrode Approach for Automated Electrochemical Molecular Analyses”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 22, 1126-1132, 2013. PDF  

85.  R. Riahi, Z. Dean, T.-H. Wu, M. A. Teitell, P.-Y. Chiou, D. D. Zhang, and P. K.  Wong, “Detection of mRNA in living cells by double-stranded locked nucleic acid probes”, Analyst 138, 4777-4785, 2013. PDF  

86.  M. Ouyang, R. Mohan, Y. Lu, T. Liu, K. E. Mach, M. L. Y. Sin, M. McComb, J. Joshi, V. Gau, P. K. Wong, J. C. Liao, “AC Electrokinetics Facilitated Biosensor Cassette for Rapid Pathogen Identification”, Analyst 138, 3660-3666, 2013. PDF

87.  Y. Lu, J. Gao, D. D. Zhang, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “Single cell antimicrobial susceptibility testing by confined microchannels and electrokinetic loading”, Analytical Chemistry 85, 3971-3976, 2013. PDF

88.  M. Junkin, Yi Lu, J. Long, P. Deymier, J. Hoying, and P. K. Wong, "Mechanically Induced Intercellular Calcium Communication in Confined Endothelial Structures", Biomaterials 34, 2049-2056, 2013. PDF

89.  F.-Y. Wang and P. K. Wong, “Intelligent Systems and Technology for Integrative and Predictive Medicine: An ACP Approach”, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 4, No. 32, 2013. PDF

90.  M. L. Y. Sin, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “A Universal Electrode Approach for Molecular Diagnostics”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 7, 31-37, 2013. PDF

91.  J. Long*, M. Junkin*, P. K. Wong, J. Hoying, and P. Deymier, “Calcium Wave Propagation in Networks of Endothelial Cells: Model-based Theoretical and Experimental Study”, PLoS Computational Biology 8, e1002847, 2012. (* equal contribution) PDF

92.  J. Gao, R. Riahi, M. L. Y. Sin, S. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, “Electrokinetic Focusing and Separation of Mammalian Cells in Conductive Biological Fluids”, Analyst 137, 5215-5221, 2012. (This paper is featured in the inside cover.) PDF

93.  M. L. Y. Sin, T. Liu, J. D. Pyne, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “In situ electrokinetic enhancement for self-assembled monolayer based electrochemical biosensing”, Analytical Chemistry 84, 2702-2707, 2012. PDF

94.  R. Riahi, Y. Yang, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, "Advances in Wound Healing Assays for Probing Collective Cell Migration" Journal of Association for Laboratory Automation 17, 59-65, 2012. PDF

95.  M. Junkin, S. L. Leung, S. Whitman, C. C. Gregorio, and P. K. Wong, "Cellular Self-Organization via Autocatalytic Alignment Feedback", Journal of Cell Science 124, 4213-4220, 2011. (This paper is featured as the cover article and is highlight by the editor) PDF HIGHLIGHT

96.  R. Riahi, K. Mach, R. Mohan, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, "Molecular Detection of Bacterial Pathogens using Particle Enhanced Double-Stranded DNA Probes", Analytical Chemistry 83, 6349-6354, 2011. PDF

97.  M. Junkin and P. K. Wong, "Probing Cell Migration in Confined Environments by Plasma Lithography", Biomaterials 32, 1848-1855, 2011. PDF

98.  K. E. Mach, P. K. Wong, and J. C. Liao, "Biosensor Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections: A Path to Better Treatment?", Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 32, 330-336, 2011. PDF

99.  J. Gao, M. L. Y. Sin, T. Liu, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, " Hybrid Electrokinetic Manipulation in High-Conductivity Media", Lab on a Chip 11, 1770-1775, 2011. PDF

100.                  R. Mohan, K. E. Mach, M. Bercovici, P. K. Wong, and J. C. Liao, "Clinical validation of integrated nucleic acid and protein detection on an electrochemical biosensor array for urinary tract infection diagnosis", PLoS ONE 6, e26846, 2011. PDF

101.                  Y. Yang, J. Volmering, M. Junkin, and P. K. Wong, "Comparative Assembly of Colloidal Quantum Dots on Surface Templates Patterned by Plasma Lithography, Soft Matter 7, 10085-10090, 2011. PDF

102.                  H. Zheng, S. A. Whitman, W. Wu, G. Wondrak, P. K. Wong, D. Fang, and D. D. Zhang, "Therapeutic Potential of Nrf2 Activators in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy", Diabetes 60, 3055-3066, 2011. PDF

103.                  K. E. Mach, R. Mohan, E. J. Baron, M.-C. Shih, V. Gau, P. K. Wong, and J. C. Liao, “A Versatile Biosensor Platform for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Directly from Clinical Samples”, Journal of Urology 185, 148-153. 2011. PDF

104.                  M. Junkin, S. L. Leung, Y. Yang, Y. Lu, J. Volmering, and P. K. Wong, " Plasma lithography surface patterning for creation of cell networks", Journal of Visualized Experiments 52, 2011.  Link

105.                  M. L. Y. Sin, J. Gao, J. C. Liao and P. K. Wong, "System Integration - A Major Step Toward Lab on a Chip", Journal of Biological Engineering 5:6, 2011.  PDF

106.                  S. Choi, M. Goryll, M. L. Y. Sin, P. K. Wong, and J. Chae, “Microfluidic-Based Biosensor toward Point-of-care Detection of Nucleic Acids and Proteins”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 10, 231-247, 2011. PDF

107.                  C. H. Chen, V. Gau, D. D. Zhang, J. C. Liao, Fei-Yue Wang, and P. K. Wong, “Statistical Metamodeling for Revealing Synergistic Antimicrobial Interactions”, PLoS ONE 5, e15472, 2010. PDF

108.                  Chia Hsiang Chen, Yi Lu, Mandy L. Y. Sin, Kathleen E. Mach, Donna D. Zhang, Vincent Gau, Joseph C. Liao, and Pak Kin Wong, “Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Using High Surface-to-Volume Ratio Microchannels”, Analytical Chemistry 8, 1012-1019, 2010. PDF

109.                  M. L. Y. Sin, V. Gau, J. C. Liao, and P. K. Wong, “Electrothermal Fluid Manipulation of High-Conductivity Samples for Laboratory Automation Applications”, Journal of Association for Laboratory Automation 15, 426-432, 2010. PDF

110.                  Y. Pan, G. A. Sonn, M. L. Y. Sin, K. E. Mach, M.-C. Shih, V. Gau, P. K. Wong, and J. C. Liao, “Electrochemical Immunosensor Detection of Urinary Lactoferrin in Clinical Samples for Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26, 649-654, 2010. PDF

111.                  May L. Chiu, Walson Lawi, Steven T. Snyder, Pak Kin Wong, Joseph Liao, and Vincent Gau, “Matrix Effects – A Challenge Toward Automation of Molecular Analysis”, Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 15, 233-242, 2010.  PDF

112.                  N. Li, and P. K. Wong, “Transfection of Molecular Beacons in Microchannels for Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis”, Bioanalysis 2, 1689-1699, 2010. PDF

113.                  Tza-Huei Wang and Pak Kin Wong, “Transforming Microfluidics into Laboratory Automation”, Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, 15, A15-16, 2010. PDF

114.                  Deok-Ho Kim, Pak Kin Wong, Jungyul Park, Andre Levchenko, and Yu Sun, "Microengineered Platforms for Cell Mechanobiology," Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 11, 203-233, 2009. PDF

115.                  Michael Junkin, Jennifer Watson, Jonathan P. Vande Geest, and Pak Kin Wong, “Template-Guided Self-Assembly of Colloidal Quantum Dots using Plasma Lithography”, Advanced Materials 21, 1247-1251, 2009. PDF

116.                  Mandy L. Y. Sin, Vincent Gau, Joseph C. Liao, David A. Haake, and Pak Kin Wong, “Active Manipulation of Quantum Dots Using AC Electrokinetics", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 6561-6565, 2009. PDF

117.                  Fei Zhao, Tongde Wu, Alexandria Lau, Tao Jiang, Zheping Huang, Xiao-Jun Wang, Weimin Chen, Pak Kin Wong, Donna D. Zhang, “Nrf2 promotes neuronal cell differentiation”, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 47, 867-879, 2009. PDF

118.                  Walson Lawi, Chris Wiita, Steven T. Snyder, Fang Wei, avid Wong, Pak Kin Wong, Joseph C. Liao, David Haake, Vincent Gau, “A Microfluidic Cartridge System for Multiplexed Clinical Analysis”, Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 14, 407-412, 2009. PDF

119.                  Joseph Keyes, Michael Junkin, Pak Kin Wong, Jonathan P. Vande Geest, “Computational Simulation of a Magnetic Microactuator for Tissue Engineering Applications”, Biomedical Microdevices 11, 1259-1267, 2009. PDF

120.                  Vinay Gidwani, Reza Riahi, Donna D. Zhang, and Pak Kin Wong, “Hybridization Kinetics of Double-Stranded DNA Probes for Rapid Molecular Analysis”, Analyst 134, 1675-1681, 2009.  (This paper is featured as the cover article) PDF

121.                  Jungkyu Kim., Michael Junkin, Deok-Ho Kim, Seugnlee Kwon, Young Shik Shin, Pak Kin Wong, and Bruce K. Gale, “Applications, Techniques, and Microfluidic Interfacing for Nanoscale Biosensing”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 7, 149-167, 2009. PDF

122.                  Mandy L. Y. Sin, Yusuke Shimabukuro, and Pak Kin Wong, “Hybrid Electrokinetics for Separation, Mixing, and Concentration of Colloidal Particles", Nanotechnology 20 165701, 2009. PDF

123.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Joseph C. Liao, and Pak Kin Wong, “Nanotechnology and Prostate Cancer”, AUA News 13, 5-6, 2008 (invited article). PDF

124.                  Pak Kin Wong, Fu Yu, Arash Shahangian, Genhong Cheng, Ren Sun, and Chih-Ming Ho, "Closed-Loop Control of Cellular Functions using a Stochastic Search Algorithm," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 5105-5110, 2008. (This paper is featured in numerous news highlights including Eureka, Science Daily) PDF

125.                  Alexandria Lau, Nicole F. Villeneuve, Zheng Sun, Pak Kin Wong, Donna D. Zhang, “Dual roles of Nrf2 in cancer”, Pharmacological Research 58, 262-270, 2008. PDF

126.                  Joseph Keyes, Michael Junkin, Joseph Cappello, Xiaoyi Wu, and Pak Kin Wong, “Evaporation-induced assembly of biomimetic polypeptides,Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 023120, 2008. (This paper is selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology and in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research) PDF

127.                  Daniel Meserve, Zhaohui Wang, Donna D. Zhang, and Pak Kin Wong, "A double-stranded molecular probe for homogeneous nucleic acid analysis," Analyst 133, 1313-1319, 2008. (This paper is selected for publication in the RSC’s Chemical Biology Research Article Virtual Journal) PDF

128.                  Xiao-Jun Wang, Zheng Sun, Nicole F. Villeneuve, Shirley Zhang, Fei Zhao, Yanjie Li, Weimin Chen, Xiaofang Yi, Wenxin Zheng, Georg T. Wondrak, Pak Kin Wong, and Donna D. Zhang, "Nrf2 enhances resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs, the dark side of Nrf2," Carcinogenesis 29, 1235-1243, 2008. PDF

129.                  Zhaohui Wang, Vinay Gidwani, Donna D. Zhang and Pin Kin Wong, “Separation-free detection of nuclear factor kappa B with double-stranded molecular probes”, Analyst 133, 998-1000, 2008. (Cover article) (This paper is selected for publication in the RSC’s Chemical Biology Research Article Virtual Journal) PDF

130.                  Yu Du, Nicole F. Villeneuve, Xiao-Jun Wang, Zheng Sun, Weimin Chen, Jixue Li, Hongxiang Lou, Pak Kin Wong, and Donna D. Zhang, "Oridonin confers protection against arsenic induced toxicity through activation of the Nrf2-mediated defensive response," Environmental Health Perspectives 116, 1154-1161, 2008.  PDF

131.                  Zhaohui Wang, Vinay Gidwani, Zheng Sun, D. D. Zhang, and P. K. Wong, "Development of a molecular assay for rapid screening of chemopreventive compounds targeting Nrf2," Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 13, 243-248, 2008. PDF

132.                  Pak Kin Wong and Dean Ho, "Emergent Diagnostic and Therapeutic Platforms for Nanoengineered Medicine," IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 2, 9-13, 2008. PDF

133.                  Pak Kin Wong, Winny Tan, Chih-Ming Ho, "Cell Relaxation after Electrodeformation: Effect of Latrunculin A on Actin Cytoskeleton", Journal of Biomechanics 38, 529-535, 2005. PDF

134.                  Tza-Huei Wang, Yahui Peng, Chunyang Zhang, Pak Kin Wong, Chih-Ming Ho, "Single-Molecule Tracing on a Fluidic Microchip for Quantitative Detection of Low-Abundance Nucleic Acids", Journal of American Chemical Society 127, 5354-5359, 2005.   (Highlighted in Nanozone news in Nature, April 28, 2005) PDF

135.                  Pak Kin Wong, Che-Yang Chan, Tza-Huei Wang and Chih-Ming Ho "Electrokinetic Bioprocessor for Concentrating Cells and Molecules", Analytical Chemistry 76, 6908-6914, 2004.  (This work has been highlighted in NIH NIDCR website) PDF

136.                  Pak Kin Wong, Tza-Huei Wang, Joanne H. Deval, Chih-Ming Ho, "Electrokinetics in Micro Devices for Biotechnology Applications", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 9, 366-376, 2004. PDF

137.                  Pak Kin Wong, Umberto Ulmanella and Chih-Ming Ho, "Fabrication of Microsurgical Tools for Single Cell Intracytoplasmic Injection", Journal of Microelectromechanical System 6, 940-946, 2004. PDF

138.                  Tzung K. Hsiai, Sung K. Cho, Pak K. Wong, Michael H. Ing, Adler Salazar, Susan Hama, Mohamad Navab, Linda L. Demer, Chih-Ming Ho, "Micro Sensors: Linking Real-Time Oscillatory Shear Stress with Vascular Inflammatory Responses", Annals of Biomedical Engineering 32, 189-201, 2004. PDF

139.                  Pak Kin Wong, Yi-Kuen Lee, Chih-Ming Ho, "Deformation of DNA Molecules by Hydrodynamic Focusing", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 497, 55-65, 2003. PDF

140.                  Tzung K. Hsiai, Sung K. Cho, Pak K. Wong, Michael Ing, Adler Salazar, Alex Sevanian, Mohamad Navab, Linda L. Demer, Chih-Ming Ho, "Monocyte Recruitment to Endothelial Cells in Response to Oscillatory Shear Stress", Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal 17, 1648-1657, 2003. PDF

141.                  Tzung K. Hsiai, Michael Ing, Juliana Hwang, Adler Salazar, Sung K. Cho, Pak Wong, Chih-Ming Ho, Mohamad Navab, "Endothelial Cells: The Living Sensors and Actuators", International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 3, 169-172, 2002. PDF