Photo of Nikki Beloate

Nikki Beloate

Assistant Research Professor


  • Biomedical Engineering

W302 Millennium Science Complex






Journal Articles

  • Peter Kovacs, Lauren N Beloate and Nanyin Zhang, 2024, "Perturbing cortical networks: surprising in vivo electrophysiological consequences of chemogenetic manipulations using deschloroclozapine", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18
  • Ping-Chung Chen, Xian Han, Timothy I Shaw, Yingxue Fu, Huan Sun, Mingming Niu, Zhen Wang, Yun Jiao, Brett JW Teubner, Donnie Eddins, Lauren N Beloate, Bing Bai, Joseph Mertz, Yuxin Li, Ji-Hoon Cho, Xusheng Wang, Zhiping Wu, Danting Liu, Suresh Poudel, Zuo-Fei Yuan, Ariana Mancieri, Jonathan Low, Hyeong-Min Lee, Mary H Patton, Laurie R Earls, Elizabeth Stewart, Peter Vogel, Yawei Hui, Shibiao Wan, David A Bennett, Geidy E Serrano, Thomas G Beach, Michael A Dyer, Richard J Smeyne, Tudor Moldoveanu, Taosheng Chen, Gang Wu, Stanislav S Zakharenko, Gang Yu and Junmin Peng, 2022, "Alzheimer’s disease-associated U1 snRNP splicing dysfunction causes neuronal hyperexcitability and cognitive impairment", Nature Aging, 2, pp. 923-940
  • Lauren N Beloate and Nanyin Zhang, 2022, "Connecting the dots between cell populations, whole-brain activity and behavior", Neurophotonics, 9, (032208)
  • Rusty Nall and Lauren N Beloate, 2022, "Assessing Combined Effects of Varenicline and N-acetylcysteine on Reducing Nicotine Seeking in Rats", Addiction Biology, 27, (2)
  • Kuiper B Lindsey and Lauren N Beloate, 2019, "Drug-taking in a socio-sexual context enhances vulnerability for addiction in male rats", Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, (3)
  • Lauren N Beloate and Lique M Coolen, 2017, "Influences of social reward experience on behavioral responses to drugs of abuse: Review of shared and divergent neural plasticity mechanisms for sexual reward and drugs of abuse.", Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 83, pp. 356-372
  • Lauren N Beloate, 2016, "Ventral tegmental area dopamine cell activation during male rat sexual behavior regulates neuroplasticity and d-Amphetamine cross-sensitization following sexual abstinence", Journal of Neuroscience, 36, (38), pp. 9949-9961
  • Lauren N Beloate, 2015, "Nucleus accumbens NMDA receptor activation regulates amphetamine cross-sensitization and deltaFosB expression following sexual experience in male rats", Neuropharmacology, 101, pp. 154-164
  • Kyle K Pitchers, Caroline M Coppens and Nikki Beloate, 2014, "Endogenous opioid-induced neuroplasticity of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area influences natural and opiate reward", Journal of Neuroscience, 34, (26), pp. 8825-8836

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Committee Member, special committee member, doctoral committee, Zili Yan doctoral committee, August 2024
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Faculty Selection Committee, Schreyer Honors College, Schreyer Honors College's Faculty Selection Committee, December 2022 - January 2024
  • Committee Work, Co-Organizer, Professional Track Faculty Affinity Group, 2023

Service to External Organizations:




The Department of Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and doctorate degree programs in biomedical engineering. Our work combines traditional engineering principles with medicine and technology for the betterment of human health and society. 

Department of Biomedical Engineering

122 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-863-6614
