Photo of Igor Aronson

Igor Aronson

Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Mathematics


  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Engineering Science and Mechanics

504 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Website






  • Igor Aronson, 2017, Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition: Challenges in Complexity, Springer, NY, United States, pp. 329
  • Igor Aronson, VS Afraimovich and Mikhail Izrailevich Rabinovich, 1989, Multidimensional strange attractors and turbulence, CRC Press

Journal Articles

  • Shuqin Chen, Xander Peetroons, Anna C Bakenecker, Florencia Lezcano, Igor Aronson and Samuel Sanchez, 2024, "Collective buoyancy-driven dynamics in swarming enzymatic nanomotors", Nature Communications, 15, (9315), pp. 12
  • Ameya G Prabhune, Andy S Garcia-Cordillo, Igor S Aronson, Thomas R Powers and Nuris Figueroa-Morales, 2024, "Bacteria Navigate Anisotropic Media using a Flagellar Tug-of-Oars", PRX Life, 2, (033004), pp. 9
  • Meng-Jia S Lau, Andres R Valdez, Matthew J Jones, Igor S Aronson, Ary A Hoffmann and Elizabeth A McGraw, 2024, "The effect of repeat feeding on dengue virus transmission potential in Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti following extended egg quiescence", PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, pp. 16
  • Ashlee D McGovern, Mu-Jie Huang, Jiyuan Wang, Raymond Kapral and Igor S Aronson, 2024, "Multifunctional Chiral Chemically-Powered Micropropellersfor Cargo Transport and Manipulation", SMALL, 20, (2304773), pp. 11
  • Bo Zhang, Andreas Glatz, Igor S. Aranson and Alexey Snezhko, 2023, "Spontaneous shock waves in pulse-stimulated flocks of Quincke rollers", Nature Communications, 14, (1)
  • Leonardo Dominguez Rubio, Matthew Collins, Ayusman Sen and Igor S. Aranson, 2023, "Ultrasound Manipulation and Extrusion of Active Nanorods", Small, 19, (38)
  • Wentian Liao and Igor S. Aranson, 2023, "Viscoelasticity enhances collective motion of bacteria", PNAS Nexus, 2, (9)
  • Angus Unruh, Alan M Brooks, Igor S Aranson and Ayusman Sen, 2023, "Programming motion of platinum microparticles: From linear to orbital", ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 1, (4), pp. 7
  • Ashlee D. McGovern, Mu Jie Huang, Jiyuan Wang, Raymond Kapral and Igor S. Aranson, 2023, "Multifunctional Chiral Chemically-Powered Micropropellers for Cargo Transport and Manipulation", Small
  • Igor S. Aranson and Arkady Pikovsky, 2022, "Confinement and Collective Escape of Active Particles", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 128, (1)
  • Jiyuan Wang, Mu-Jie Huang, Remmi D. Baker-Sediako, Raymond Kapral and Igor S. Aranson, 2022, "Forces that control self-organization of chemically-propelled Janus tori", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, (1)
  • Hai Chi, Alexander Gavrikov, Leonid V Berlyand and Igor S. Aranson, 2022, "Interaction of microswimmers in viscoelastic liquid crystals", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, (1)
  • Meredith Strow, Peter Bevington, Anthony Bentivegna, Sasan Bakhtiari, Igor Aranson, Didem Ozevin and Alexander Heifetz, 2022, "Monitoring accelerated alkali-silica reaction in concrete prisms with petrography and electrical conductivity measurements", MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 55, (4)
  • Alexander Ziepke, Ivan Maryshev, Igor S. Aranson and Erwin Frey, 2022, "Multi-scale organization in communicating active matter", NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13, (1)
  • Nuris Figueroa-Morales, Mikhail M. Genkin, Andrey Sokolov and Igor S. Aranson, 2022, "Non-symmetric pinning of topological defects in living liquid crystals", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, (1)
  • Corey Herr, Benjamin Winkler, Falko Ziebert, Igor S. Aranson, John T. Fourkas and Wolfgang Losert, 2022, "Spontaneous polarization and cell guidance on asymmetric nanotopography", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, (1)
  • Winfried Schmidt, Igor S. Aranson and Walter Zimmermann, 2022, "Suppression of bacterial rheotaxis in wavy channels", PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 4, (4)
  • Igor Aronson, Cody Reeves and Petia Vlahovska, 2021, "Emergence of lanes and turbulent-like motion in active spinner fluid", Communications Physics, 4, (1)
  • Igor Aronson, 2021, "Mikhail Izrailevich Rabinovich (on his 80th birthday)", Physics-Uspechi, 64, (4), pp. 2
  • Igor Aronson, 2021, "On the 80th anniversary of Mikhail I. Rabinovich", IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY-PRIKLADNAYA NELINEYNAYA DINAMIKA, 29, (2), pp. 4
  • Igor Aronson, 2021, "Qualification of 3-D Printed Mortar with Electrical Conductivity Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, pp. 8
  • Igor Aronso and, kolmakov , 2021, "Superfluid swimmers", Physical Review Research, 3, (1)
  • Igor Aron andon, , 2021, "Self-Propulsion and Shear Flow Align Active Particles in Nozzles and Channels", Advanced intelligent systems, 3, (2)
  • Igor Aronson, Leonardo Dominguez Rubio, Mikhailo Potomkin, Remmi Baker, Ayusman Sen and Leonid Berlyand, 2020, "Self-Propulsion and Shear Flow Align Active Particles in Nozzles and Channels", Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 10
  • Robert Grossmann, Igor S. Aranson and Fernando Peruani, 2020, "A particle-field approach bridges phase separation and collective motion in active matter", NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11, (1)
  • Runa Koizumi, Taras Turiv, Mikhail M. Genkin, Robert J. Lastowski, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Qi-Huo Wei, Igor S. Aranson and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, 2020, "Control of microswimmers by spiral nematic vortices: Transition from individual to collective motion and contraction, expansion, and stable circulation of bacterial swirls", PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 2, (3)
  • Koohee Han, Gasper Kokot, Oleh Tovkach, Andreas Glatz, Igor S. Aranson and Alexey Snezhko, 2020, "Emergence of self-organized multivortex states in flocks of active rollers", PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117, (18), pp. 9706-9711
  • Henning Reinken, Daiki Nishiguchi, Sebastian Heidenreich, Andrey Sokolov, Markus Baer, Klapp, Sabine H. L. and Igor S. Aranson, 2020, "Organizing bacterial vortex lattices by periodic obstacle arrays", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 3, (1)
  • Taras Turiv, Runa Koizumi, Kristian Thijssen, Mikhail M. Genkin, Hao Yu, Chenhui Peng, Qi-Huo Wei, Julia M. Yeomans, Igor S. Aranson, Amin Doostmohammadi and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, 2020, "Polar jets of swimming bacteria condensed by a patterned liquid crystal", NATURE PHYSICS, 16, (4), pp. 481-+
  • Hai Chi, Mykhailo Potomkin, Lei Zhang, Leonid V Berlyand and Igor S. Aranson, 2020, "Surface anchoring controls orientation of a microswimmer in nematic liquid crystal", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 3, (1)
  • Igor Aronson, 2019, "Topological defects in active liquid crystals", PHYSICS-USPEKHI, 62, (9), pp. 892-909
  • Y. Wang, S. Canic, G. Kokot, A. Snezhko and I. S. Aranson, 2019, "Quantifying hydrodynamic collective states of magnetic colloidal spinners and rollers", PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, 4, (1)
  • Benjamin Winkler, Igor S. Aranson and Falko Ziebert, 2019, "Confinement and substrate topography control cell migration in a 3D computational model", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 2
  • Remmi Baker, Joshua E. Kauffman, Abhrajit Laskar, Oleg E. Shklyaev, Mykhailo Potomkin, Leonardo Dominguez-Rubio, Henry Shum, Yareslie Cruz-Rivera, Igor S. Aranson, Anna C. Balazs and Ayusman Sen, 2019, "Fight the flow: the role of shear in artificial rheotaxis for individual and collective motion", NANOSCALE, 11, (22), pp. 10944-10951
  • Nuris Figueroa-Morales, Leonardo Dominguez-Rubio, Troy Ott and Igor S. Aranson, 2019, "Mechanical shear controls bacterial penetration in mucus", SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9
  • Remmi Danae Baker, Thomas Montenegro-Johnson, Anton D. Sediako, Murray J. Thomson, Ayusman Sen, Eric Lauga and Igor S. Aranson, 2019, "Shape-programmed 3D printed swimming microtori for the transport of passive and active agents", NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 10
  • Aurelio Patelli, Ilyas Djafer-Cherif, Igor S. Aranson, Eric Bertin and Hugues Chate, 2019, "Understanding Dense Active Nematics from Microscopic Models", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 123, (25)
  • Fernando Peruani and Igor S. Aranson, 2018, "Cold Active Motion: How Time-Independent Disorder Affects the Motion of Self-Propelled Agents", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 120, (23)
  • Daiki Nishiguchi, Igor S. Aranson, Alexey Snezhko and Andrey Sokolov, 2018, "Engineering bacterial vortex lattice via direct laser lithography", NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9
  • Andrey Sokolov, Leonardo Dominguez Rubio, John F. Brady and Igor S. Aranson, 2018, "Instability of expanding bacterial droplets", NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9
  • Cody Reeyes, Benjamin Winkler, Falko Ziebert and Igor S. Aranson, 2018, "Rotating lamellipodium waves in polarizing cells", COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 1
  • Mikhail M. Genkin, Andrey Sokolov and Igor S. Aranson, 2018, "Spontaneous topological charging of tactoids in a living nematic", NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 20
  • Martyna Michalska, Francesca Gambacorta, Ralu Divan, Igor S. Aranson, Andrey Sokolov, Philippe Noirot and Philip D. Laible, 2018, "Tuning antimicrobial properties of biomimetic nanopatterned surfaces", NANOSCALE, 10, (14), pp. 6639-6650
  • Mykhailo Potomkin, M Tournus, Leonid V Berlyand and Igor Aronson, 2017, "Flagella bending affects macroscopic properties of bacterial suspensions.", Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 14, (130)
  • Gasper Kokot, Shibananda Das, Roland G. Winkler, Gerhard Gompper, Igor S. Aranson and Alexey Snezhko, 2017, "Active turbulence in a gas of self-assembled spinners", PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114, (49), pp. 12870-12875
  • Gasper Kokot, German V. Kolmakov, Igor S. Aranson and Alexey Snezhko, 2017, "Dynamic self-assembly and self-organized transport of magnetic micro-swimmers", SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7
  • Mykhailo Potomkin, Andreas Kaiser, Leonid V Berlyand and Igor Aranson, 2017, "Focusing of active particles in a converging flow", NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 19
  • Matthew S. Mizuhara, Leonid V Berlyand and Igor S. Aranson, 2017, "Minimal model of directed cell motility on patterned substrates", PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 96, (5)
  • Yong-Lei Wang, Andreas Glatz, Gregory J. Kimmel, Igor S. Aranson, Laxman R. Thoutam, Zhi-Li Xiao, Golibjon R. Berdiyorov, Francois M. Peeters, George W. Crabtree and Wai-Kwong Kwok, 2017, "Parallel magnetic field suppresses dissipation in superconducting nanostrips", PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114, (48), pp. E10274-E10280
  • Aboutaleb Amiri, Cameron Harvey, Amy Buchmann, Scott Christley, Joshua D Shrout, Igor Aronson and Mark Alber, 2017, "Reversals and collisions optimize protein exchange in bacterial swarms", Physical Review E, 95, (3), pp. 032408
  • Andreas Kaiser, Alexey Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2017, "Flocking ferromagnetic colloids", Science Advances, 3, (2), pp. e1601469
  • Mikhail M Genkin, Andrey Sokolov, Oleg D Lavrentovich and Igor Aronson, 2017, "Topological defects in a living nematic ensnare swimming bacteria", Physical Review X, 7, (1), pp. 011029
  • Gregory Kimmel, Andreas Glatz and Igor Aronson, 2017, "Phase slips in superconducting weak links", Physical Review B, 95, (1), pp. 014518
  • Shuang Zhou, Oleh Tovkach, Dmitry Golovaty, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aronson and Oleg D Lavrentovich, 2017, "Dynamic states of swimming bacteria in a nematic liquid crystal cell with homeotropic alignment", New Journal of Physics, 19, (5), pp. 055006
  • Brandon M Anderson, Logan W Clark, Jennifer Crawford, Andreas Glatz, Igor Aronson, Peter Scherpelz, Lei Feng, Cheng Chin and K Levin, 2017, "Direct Lattice Shaking of Bose Condensates: Finite Momentum Superfluids", Physical Review Letters, 118, (22), pp. 220401
  • Andrey Sokolov and Igor Aronson, 2016, "Rapid expulsion of microswimmers by a vortical flow", Nature communications, 7
  • Benjamin Winkler, Igor Aronson and Falko Ziebert, 2016, "Membrane tension feedback on shape and motility of eukaryotic cells", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 318, pp. 26–33
  • Igor Aronson, 2016, "Microrobotics: Swimmers by design", Nature, 531, (7594), pp. 312–313
  • Rui Zhang, Tyler Roberts, Igor Aronson and Juan J de Pablo, 2016, "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of asymmetric flow in nematic liquid crystals with finite anchoring", The Journal of chemical physics, 144, (8), pp. 084905
  • Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2016, "Computational approaches to substrate-based cell motility", npj Computational Materials, 2, pp. 16019
  • Arnaud Demortiere, Charudatta Phatak, Andras Kovacs, Jan Caron, Nikita Repnin, Martial Duchamp, Nestor J Zaluzec, Petr Kral, Igor Aronson, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski and others, 2016, "Zig-zag Self-assembly of Magnetic Octahedral Fe3O4 Nanocrystals using in situ Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy", Microsc. Microanal, 22, (5), pp. 37
  • M Tournus, A Kirshtein, LV Berlyand and Igor Aronson, 2015, "Flexibility of bacterial flagella in external shear results in complex swimming trajectories", Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12, (102), pp. 20140904
  • Christoph A Weber, Ryo Suzuki, Volker Schaller, Igor Aronson, Andreas R Bausch and Erwin Frey, 2015, "Random bursts determine dynamics of active filaments", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, (34), pp. 10703–10707
  • Andrey Sokolov, Shuang Zhou, Oleg D Lavrentovich and Igor Aronson, 2015, "Individual behavior and pairwise interactions between microswimmers in anisotropic liquid", Physical Review E, 91, (1), pp. 013009
  • Andreas Kaiser, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aronson and Hartmut Löwen, 2015, "Motion of two micro-wedges in a turbulent bacterial bath", The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224, (7), pp. 1275–1286
  • Ken H Nagai, Yutaka Sumino, Raul Montagne, Igor Aronson and Hugues Chaté, 2015, "Collective motion of self-propelled particles with memory", Physical review letters, 114, (16), pp. 168001
  • Jakob Löber, Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2015, "Collisions of deformable cells lead to collective migration", Scientific reports, 5
  • David Piet Gasper Kokot, George M Whitesides, Igor Aronson and Alexey Snezhko, 2015, "Emergence of reconfigurable wires and spinners via dynamic self-assembly", Scientific reports, 5
  • Peter Scherpelz, Karmela Padavic, Andy Murray, Andreas Glatz, Igor Aronson and K Levin, 2015, "Generic equilibration dynamics of planar defects in trapped atomic superfluids", Physical Review A, 91, (3), pp. 033621
  • Andreas Kaiser, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aronson and Hartmut Löwen, 2015, "Mechanisms of carrier transport induced by a microswimmer bath", IEEE transactions on nanobioscience, 14, (3), pp. 260–266
  • Alexey Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2015, "Velocity statistics of dynamic spinners in out-of-equilibrium magnetic suspensions", Soft matter, 11, (30), pp. 6055–6061
  • Simon Tricard, Robert F Shepherd, Claudiu A Stan, Phillip W Snyder, Rebecca Cademartiri, Danny Zhu, Igor Aronson, Eugene I Shakhnovich and George M Whitesides, 2015, "Mechanical Model of Globular Transition in Polymers", ChemPlusChem, 80, (1), pp. 37–41
  • Sandrine Ngo, Anton Peshkov, Igor Aronson, Eric Bertin, Francesco Ginelli and Hugues Chaté, 2014, "Large-scale chaos and fluctuations in active nematics", Physical review letters, 113, (3), pp. 038302
  • F Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2014, "Modular approach for modeling cell motility", The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223, (7), pp. 1265–1277
  • Alexander Dreher, Igor Aronson and Karsten Kruse, 2014, "Spiral actin-polymerization waves can generate amoeboidal cell crawling", New Journal of Physics, 16, (5), pp. 055007
  • Andreas Kaiser, Anton Peshkov, Andrey Sokolov, Borge ten Hagen, Hartmut Löwen and Igor Aronson, 2014, "Transport powered by bacterial turbulence", Physical review letters, 112, (15), pp. 158101
  • Jakob Löber, Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2014, "Modeling crawling cell movement on soft engineered substrates", Soft matter, 10, (9), pp. 1365–1373
  • Arnaud Demortiere, Alexey Snezhko, Maksim V Sapozhnikov, Nicholas Becker, Thomas Proslier and Igor Aronson, 2014, "Self-assembled tunable networks of sticky colloidal particles", Nature communications, 5, pp. 3117
  • Peter Scherpelz, Karmela Padavic, Adam Rancon, Andreas Glatz, Igor Aronson and K Levin, 2014, "Phase imprinting in equilibrating Fermi gases: The transience of vortex rings and other defects", Physical review letters, 113, (12), pp. 125301
  • DL Piet, AV Straube, A Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Model of dynamic self-assembly in ferromagnetic suspensions at liquid interfaces", Physical Review E, 88, (3), pp. 033024
  • Shawn D Ryan, Andrey Sokolov, Leonid Berlyand and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Correlation properties of collective motion in bacterial suspensions", New journal of physics, 15, (10), pp. 105021
  • Igor Aronson, 2013, "Collective behavior in out-of-equilibrium colloidal suspensions", Comptes Rendus Physique, 14, (6), pp. 518–527
  • DL Piet, AV Straube, A Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Viscosity control of the dynamic self-assembly in ferromagnetic suspensions", Physical review letters, 110, (19), pp. 198001
  • Cameron W Harvey, Mark Alber, Lev S Tsimring and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Continuum modeling of myxobacteria clustering", New journal of physics, 15, (3), pp. 035029
  • Mykhailo Potomkin, Vitaliy Gyrya, Igor Aronson and Leonid V Berlyand, 2013, "Collision of microswimmers in a viscous fluid", Physical Review E, 87, (5), pp. 053005
  • Gasper Kokot, Alexey Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Emergent coherent states and flow rectification in active magnetic colloidal monolayers", Soft Matter, 9, (29), pp. 6757–6760
  • Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2013, "Effects of adhesion dynamics and substrate compliance on the shape and motility of crawling cells", PloS one, 8, (5), pp. e64511
  • German V Kolmakov, Alexander Schaefer, Igor Aronson and Anna C Balazs, 2012, "Designing mechano-responsive microcapsules that undergo self-propelled motion", Soft Matter, 8, (1), pp. 180–190
  • Martin F Melhus and Igor Aronson, 2012, "Effect of vibration on solid-to-liquid transition in small granular systems under shear", Granular matter, 14, (2), pp. 151–156
  • Brian M Haines, Igor Aronson, Leonid Berlyand, Dmitry A Karpeev and others, 2012, "Effective viscosity of bacterial suspensions: A three-dimensional PDE model with stochastic torque", Commun. Pure Appl. Anal, 11, pp. 19–46
  • Andrey Sokolov and Igor Aronson, 2012, "Physical properties of collective motion in suspensions of bacteria", Physical review letters, 109, (24), pp. 248109
  • Anton Peshkov, Igor Aronson, Eric Bertin, Hugues Chaté and Francesco Ginelli, 2012, "Nonlinear field equations for aligning self-propelled rods", Physical review letters, 109, (26), pp. 268701
  • Cameron W Harvey, Huijing Du, Zhiliang Xu, Dale Kaiser, Igor Aronson and Mark Alber, 2012, "Interconnected cavernous structure of bacterial fruiting bodies", PLoS computational biology, 8, (12), pp. e1002850
  • Shawn D Ryan, Brian M Haines, Leonid Berlyand, Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2011, "Viscosity of bacterial suspensions: Hydrodynamic interactions and self-induced noise", Physical Review E, 83, (5), pp. 050904
  • Alexey Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2011, "Magnetic manipulation of self-assembled colloidal asters", Nature materials, 10, (9), pp. 698–703
  • A Glatz, HLL Roberts, Igor Aronson and K Levin, 2011, "Nucleation of spontaneous vortices in trapped Fermi gases undergoing a BCS-BEC crossover", Physical Review B, 84, (18), pp. 180501
  • Evgeniy Khain and Igor Aronson, 2011, "Hydrodynamics of a vibrated granular monolayer", Physical Review E, 84, (3), pp. 031308
  • Falko Ziebert, Sumanth Swaminathan and Igor Aronson, 2011, "Model for self-polarization and motility of keratocyte fragments", Journal of The Royal Society Interface, pp. rsif20110433
  • V Gyrya, K Lipnikov, Igor Aronson and L Berlyand, 2011, "Effective shear viscosity and dynamics of suspensions of micro-swimmers from small to moderate concentrations", Journal of mathematical biology, 62, (5), pp. 707–740
  • Alexey Snezhko, Kari Barlan, Igor Aronson and Vladimir I Gelfand, 2010, "Statistics of active transport in Xenopus melanophores cells", Biophysical journal, 99, (10), pp. 3216–3223
  • M Belkin, A Glatz, A Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2010, "Model for dynamic self-assembled magnetic surface structures", Physical Review E, 82, (1), pp. 015301
  • S Swaminathan, F Ziebert, Igor Aronson and D Karpeev, 2010, "Patterns and intrinsic fluctuations in semi-dilute motor-filament systems", EPL (Europhysics Letters), 90, (2), pp. 28001
  • Andrey Sokolov, Mario M Apodaca, Bartosz A Grzybowski and Igor Aronson, 2010, "Swimming bacteria power microscopic gears", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, (3), pp. 969–974
  • Vitaliy Gyrya, Igor Aronson, Leonid V Berlyand and Dmitry Karpeev, 2010, "A model of hydrodynamic interaction between swimming bacteria", Bulletin of mathematical biology, 72, (1), pp. 148–183
  • Falko Ziebert, Michael Vershinin, Steven P Gross and Igor Aronson, 2009, "Collective alignment of polar filaments by molecular motors", The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics, 28, (4), pp. 401–409
  • A Snezhko, M Belkin, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2009, "Self-assembled magnetic surface swimmers", Physical review letters, 102, (11), pp. 118103
  • Sumanth Swaminathan, Falko Ziebert, Dmitry Karpeev and Igor Aronson, 2009, "Motor-mediated alignment of microtubules in semidilute mixtures", Physical Review E, 79, (3), pp. 036207
  • M Belkin, A Snezhko, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2009, "Magnetically driven surface mixing", Physical Review E, 80, (1), pp. 011310
  • Andrey Sokolov, Raymond E Goldstein, Felix I Feldchtein and Igor Aronson, 2009, "Enhanced mixing and spatial instability in concentrated bacterial suspensions", Physical Review E, 80, (3), pp. 031903
  • Andrey Sokolov and Igor Aronson, 2009, "Reduction of viscosity in suspension of swimming bacteria", Physical Review Letters, 103, (14), pp. 148101
  • Martin F Melhus, Igor Aronson, Dmitri Volfson and Lev S Tsimring, 2009, "Effect of noise on solid-to-liquid transition in small granular systems under shear", Physical Review E, 80, (4), pp. 041305
  • Brian M Haines, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aronson, Leonid Berlyand and Dmitry A Karpeev, 2009, "Three-dimensional model for the effective viscosity of bacterial suspensions", Physical Review E, 80, (4), pp. 041922
  • Andreas Glatz, Igor Aronson, Valerii M Vinokur, Nikolay M Chtchelkatchev and Tatyana I Baturina, 2009, "Emergence of superconducting textures in two dimensions", arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.0659
  • Falko Ziebert and Igor Aronson, 2008, "Rheological and structural properties of dilute active filament solutions", Physical Review E, 77, (1), pp. 011918
  • D Grossman, Igor Aronson and E Ben Jacob, 2008, "Emergence of agent swarm migration and vortex formation through inelastic collisions", New Journal of Physics, 10, (2), pp. 023036
  • Alexey Snezhko, Eshel Ben Jacob and Igor Aronson, 2008, "Pulsating–gliding transition in the dynamics of levitating liquid nitrogen droplets", New Journal of Physics, 10, (4), pp. 043034
  • Zhiyuan Jia, Dmitry Karpeev, Igor Aronson and Peter W Bates, 2008, "Simulation studies of self-organization of microtubules and molecular motors", Physical Review E, 77, (5), pp. 051905
  • Sumanth Swaminathan, Dmitry Karpeev and Igor Aronson, 2008, "Bundle dynamics of interacting polar rods", Physical Review E, 77, (6), pp. 066206
  • Igor Aronson, Lev S Tsimring, Florent Malloggi and Eric Clément, 2008, "Nonlocal rheological properties of granular flows near a jamming limit", Physical Review E, 78, (3), pp. 031303
  • Brian M Haines, Igor Aronson, Leonid Berlyand and Dmitry A Karpeev, 2008, "Effective viscosity of dilute bacterial suspensions: a two-dimensional model", Physical biology, 5, (4), pp. 046003
  • Falko Ziebert, Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2007, "Effects of cross-links on motor-mediated filament organization", New Journal of Physics, 9, (11), pp. 421
  • M Belkin, A Snezhko, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2007, "Driven magnetic particles on a fluid surface: Pattern assisted surface flows", Physical review letters, 99, (15), pp. 158301
  • Dmitry Karpeev, Igor Aronson, Lev S Tsimring and Hans G Kaper, 2007, "Interactions of semiflexible filaments and molecular motors", Physical Review E, 76, (5), pp. 051905
  • Anne Mangeney, LS Tsimring, D Volfson, Igor Aronson and Francois Bouchut, 2007, "Avalanche mobility induced by the presence of an erodible bed and associated entrainment", Geophysical Research Letters, 34, (22)
  • Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aronson, John O Kessler and Raymond E Goldstein, 2007, "Concentration dependence of the collective dynamics of swimming bacteria", Physical Review Letters, 98, (15), pp. 158102
  • Igor Aronson, Andrey Sokolov, John O Kessler and Raymond E Goldstein, 2007, "Model for dynamical coherence in thin films of self-propelled microorganisms", Physical Review E, 75, (4), pp. 040901
  • Iván Sánchez, Franck Raynaud, José Lanuza, Bruno Andreotti, Eric Clément and Igor Aronson, 2007, "Spreading of a granular droplet", Physical Review E, 76, (6), pp. 060301
  • Igor Aronson, Dmitri Volfson and Lev S Tsimring, 2007, "Swirling motion in a system of vibrated elongated particles", Physical Review E, 75, (5), pp. 051301
  • A Snezhko and Igor Aronson, 2007, "Magnetic properties of novel dynamic self-assembled structures generated on the liquid/air interface", Physics Letters A, 363, (5), pp. 337–340
  • Eric Clément, Florent Malloggi, Bruno Andreotti and Igor Aronson, 2007, "Erosive granular avalanches: a cross confrontation between theory and experiment", Granular Matter, 10, (1), pp. 3–11
  • Eric Clement, Florent Malloggi, Bruno Andreotti and Igor Aronson, 2007, "Erosion Waves: When a Model Experiment Meets a Theory", Traffic and Granular Flow’05, pp. 129–145
  • A Snezhko, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2006, "Surface wave assisted self-assembly of multidomain magnetic structures", Physical review letters, 96, (7), pp. 078701
  • Alexey Snezhko, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2006, "Dynamic self-assembly of magnetic particles on the fluid interface: Surface-wave-mediated effective magnetic exchange", Physical Review E, 73, (4), pp. 041306
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2006, "Patterns and collective behavior in granular media: Theoretical concepts", Reviews of modern physics, 78, (2), pp. 641
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2006, "Theory of self-assembly of microtubules and motors", Physical Review E, 74, (3), pp. 031915
  • Igor Aronson, Florent Malloggi and Eric Clément, 2006, "Transverse instability of avalanches in granular flows down an incline", Physical Review E, 73, (5), pp. 050302
  • GK Singh, AA Golovin and Igor Aronson, 2006, "Formation of self-organized nanoscale porous structures in anodic aluminum oxide", Physical review B, 73, (20), pp. 205422
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2005, "Pattern formation of microtubules and motors: inelastic interaction of polar rods", Physical Review E, 71, (5), pp. 050901
  • GK Singh, AA Golovin, Igor Aronson and VM Vinokur, 2005, "Formation of nanoscale pore arrays during anodization of aluminum", EPL (Europhysics Letters), 70, (6), pp. 836
  • MV Sapozhnikov, A Peleg, B Meerson, Igor Aronson and KL Kohlstedt, 2005, "Far-from-equilibrium Ostwald ripening in electrostatically driven granular powders", Physical Review E, 71, (1), pp. 011307
  • A Snezhko, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2005, "Structure formation in electromagnetically driven granular media", Physical review letters, 94, (10), pp. 108002
  • K Kohlstedt, A Snezhko, MV Sapozhnikov, Igor Aronson, JS Olafsen and E Ben-Naim, 2005, "Velocity distributions of granular gases with drag and with long-range interactions", Physical review letters, 95, (6), pp. 068001
  • CS Orellana, Igor Aronson, W-K Kwok and Sergio Rica, 2005, "Self-diffusion of particles in gas-driven granular layers with periodic flow modulation", Physical Review E, 72, (4), pp. 040301
  • Igor Aronson and MV Sapozhnikov, 2004, "Theory of pattern formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquids", Physical review letters, 92, (23), pp. 234301
  • Dmitri Volfson, Lev S Tsimring and Igor Aronson, 2004, "Stick-slip dynamics of a granular layer under shear", Physical Review E, 69, (3), pp. 031302
  • MV Sapozhnikov, Igor Aronson, W-K Kwok and Yu V Tolmachev, 2004, "Self-assembly and vortices formed by microparticles in weak electrolytes", Physical review letters, 93, (8), pp. 084502
  • MV Sapozhnikov, Igor Aronson and JS Olafsen, 2003, "Coarsening of granular clusters: Two types of scaling behaviors", Physical Review E, 67, (1), pp. 010302
  • MV Sapozhnikov, Yu V Tolmachev, Igor Aronson and W-K Kwok, 2003, "Dynamic self-assembly and patterns in electrostatically driven granular media", Physical review letters, 90, (11), pp. 114301
  • Carolina Brito, Igor Aronson and Hugues Chaté, 2003, "Vortex glass and vortex liquid in oscillatory media", Physical review letters, 90, (6), pp. 068301
  • J Li, Igor Aronson, W-K Kwok and LS Tsimring, 2003, "Periodic and disordered structures in a modulated gas-driven granular layer", Physical review letters, 90, (13), pp. 134301
  • Igor Aronson and LS Tsimring, 2003, "Dynamics of the constrained polymer collapse", EPL (Europhysics Letters), 62, (6), pp. 848
  • Dmitri Volfson, Lev S Tsimring and Igor Aronson, 2003, "Order parameter description of stationary partially fluidized shear granular flows", Physical review letters, 90, (25), pp. 254301
  • Dmitri Volfson, Lev S Tsimring and Igor Aronson, 2003, "Partially fluidized shear granular flows: Continuum theory and molecular dynamics simulations", Physical Review E, 68, (2), pp. 021301
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2003, "Model of coarsening and vortex formation in vibrated granular rods", Physical Review E, 67, (2), pp. 021305
  • Igor Aronson and JS Olafsen, 2002, "Velocity fluctuations in electrostatically driven granular media", Physical Review E, 66, (6), pp. 061302
  • Igor Aronson, B Meerson, PV Sasorov and VM Vinokur, 2002, "Phase separation and coarsening in electrostatically driven granular media", Physical review letters, 88, (20), pp. 204301
  • Igor Aronson, LS Tsimring and VM Vinokur, 2002, "Stick-slip friction and nucleation dynamics of ultrathin liquid films", Physical Review B, 65, (12), pp. 125402
  • Igor Aronson and Lorenz Kramer, 2002, "The world of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Reviews of Modern Physics, 74, (1), pp. 99
  • Igor Aronson, NB Kopnin and VM Vinokur, 2001, "Dynamics of vortex nucleation by rapid thermal quench", Physical Review B, 63, (18), pp. 184501
  • Igor Aronson, Alex Gurevich and Valerii Vinokur, 2001, "Vortex avalanches and magnetic flux fragmentation in superconductors", Physical review letters, 87, (6), pp. 067003
  • AE Koshelev and Igor Aronson, 2001, "Dynamic structure selection and instabilities of driven Josephson lattice in high-temperature superconductors", Physical Review B, 64, (17), pp. 174508
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 2001, "Continuum description of avalanches in granular media", Physical Review E, 64, (2), pp. 020301
  • DW Howell, Igor Aronson and GW Crabtree, 2001, "Dynamics of electrostatically driven granular media: Effects of humidity", Physical Review E, 63, (5), pp. 050301
  • Igor Aronson and Victor Steinberg, 2001, "Ginzburg-Landau Description of Vortex Nucleation in a Rotating Superfluid", Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence, pp. 276–282
  • AE Koshelev and Igor Aronson, 2000, "Resonances, instabilities, and structure selection of driven Josephson lattice in layered superconductors", Physical review letters, 85, (18), pp. 3938
  • Igor Aronson, Boris A Malomed, Len M Pismen and Lev S Tsimring, 2000, "Crystallization kinetics and self-induced pinning in cellular patterns", Physical Review E, 62, (1), pp. R5
  • Igor Aronson and Len M Pismen, 2000, "Interaction of vortices in a complex vector field and stability of a “vortex molecule”", Physical review letters, 84, (4), pp. 634
  • Igor Aronson, D Blair, VA Kalatsky, GW Crabtree, W-K Kwok, VM Vinokur and U Welp, 2000, "Electrostatically driven granular media: phase transitions and coarsening", Physical review letters, 84, (15), pp. 3306
  • D Blair, Igor Aronson, GW Crabtree, V Vinokur, LS Tsimring and C Josserand, 2000, "Patterns in thin vibrated granular layers: Interfaces, hexagons, and superoscillons", Physical Review E, 61, (5), pp. 5600
  • Igor Aronson, VA Kalatsky and VM Vinokur, 2000, "Continuum field description of crack propagation", Physical review letters, 85, (1), pp. 118
  • Igor Aronson, D Blair, WK Kwok, G Karapetrov, U Welp, GW Crabtree, VM Vinokur and LS Tsimring, 1999, "Controlled dynamics of interfaces in a vibrated granular layer", Physical review letters, 82, (4), pp. 731
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 1999, "Dynamics of axial separation in long rotating drums", Physical review letters, 82, (23), pp. 4643
  • Igor Aronson, LS Tsimring and VM Vinokur, 1999, "Continuum theory of axial segregation in a long rotating drum", Physical Review E, 60, (2), pp. 1975
  • Igor Aronson, NB Kopnin and VM Vinokur, 1999, "Nucleation of vortices by rapid thermal quench", Physical review letters, 83, (13), pp. 2600
  • Igor Aronson, D Blair and Peter Vorobieff, 1999, "Interface Motion in a Vibrated Granular Layer", Physics of Fluids (1994-present), 11, (9), pp. S9–S9
  • Igor Aronson, T Nattermann, S Scheidl and V Vinokur, 1999, "Depinning and stability of driven phases in a dirty environment", Le Journal de Physique IV, 9, (PR10), pp. Pr10–63
  • Igor Aronson and Lev S Tsimring, 1998, "Formation of periodic and localized patterns in an oscillating granular layer", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 249, (1), pp. 103–110
  • Igor Aronson, AR Bishop, I Daruka and VM Vinokur, 1998, "Ginzburg-Landau theory of spiral surface growth", Physical review letters, 80, (8), pp. 1770
  • Igor Aronson, Hugues Chaté and Lei-Han Tang, 1998, "Spiral motion in a noisy complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Physical review letters, 80, (12), pp. 2646
  • Igor Aronson, AR Bishop and Lorenz Kramer, 1998, "Dynamics of vortex lines in the three-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation: Instability, stretching, entanglement, and helices", Physical Review E, 57, (5), pp. 5276
  • Igor Aronson and Igor Mitkov, 1998, "Helicoidal instability of a scroll vortex in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems", Physical Review E, 58, (4), pp. 4556
  • Igor Aronson, Stefan Scheidl and Valerii M Vinokur, 1998, "Nonequilibrium dislocation dynamics and instability of driven vortex lattices in two dimensions", Physical Review B, 58, (21), pp. 14541
  • Igor Aronson and V Vinokur, 1998, "Surface instabilities and vortex transport in current-carrying superconductors", Physical Review B, 57, (5), pp. 3073
  • Igor Aronson and AR Bishop, 1997, "Instability and stretching of vortex lines in the three-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Physical review letters, 79, (21), pp. 4174
  • Igor Aronson, Michel Assenheimer, Victor Steinberg and Lev S Tsimring, 1997, "Large-scale flow and spiral core instability in Rayleigh-Bénard convection", Physical Review E, 55, (5), pp. R4877
  • Igor Aronson, D Hochheiser and Jerome V Moloney, 1997, "Boundary-driven selection of patterns in large-aspect-ratio lasers", Physical Review A, 55, (4), pp. 3173
  • Igor Aronson, A Koshelev and V Vinokur, 1997, "Phase diagram for a driven vortex lattice in layered superconductors", Physical Review B, 56, (9), pp. 5136
  • Y De Wilde, M Iavarone, U Welp, V Metlushko, AE Koshelev, Igor Aronson, GW Crabtree and PC Canfield, 1997, "Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of a square Abrikosov lattice in LuNi 2 B 2 C", Physical review letters, 78, (22), pp. 4273
  • Igor Aronson, Lev Tsimring and Valerii Vinokur, 1997, "Evolution on a rugged landscape: pinning and aging", Physical review letters, 79, (17), pp. 3298
  • Lev S Tsimring and Igor Aronson, 1997, "Localized and cellular patterns in a vibrated granular layer", Physical review letters, 79, (2), pp. 213
  • V Metlushko, U Welp, A Koshelev, Igor Aronson, GW Crabtree and PC Canfield, 1997, "Anisotropic Upper Critical Field of LuN i 2 B 2 C", Physical review letters, 79, (9), pp. 1738
  • Y De Wilde, M Iavarone, U Welp, V Metlushko, AE Koshelev, Igor Aronson, GW Crabtree, PL Gammel, DJ Bishop and PC Canfield, 1997, "The superconducting energy gap and vortex lattice structure in LuNi 2 B 2 C", Physica C: Superconductivity, 282, pp. 355–358
  • Igor Aronson and Victor Steinberg, 1996, "Stability of multicharged vortices in a model of superflow", Physical Review B, 53, (1), pp. 75
  • Igor Aronson, B Ya Shapiro and V Vinokur, 1996, "Nucleation and growth of the normal phase in thin superconducting strips", Physical review letters, 76, (1), pp. 142
  • Igor Aronson, Herbert Levine and Lev Tsimring, 1996, "Spiral competition in three-component excitable media", Physical review letters, 76, (7), pp. 1170
  • Igor Aronson and Victor Steinberg, 1996, "Spin-up and nucleation of vortices in superfluid He 4", Physical Review B, 54, (18), pp. 13072
  • Igor Aronson and V Vinokur, 1996, "Surface instabilities and plastic deformation of vortex lattices", Physical review letters, 77, (15), pp. 3208
  • Igor Mitkov, Igor Aronson and David Kessler, 1996, "Meandering instability of a spiral interface in the free boundary limit", Physical Review E, 54, (6), pp. 6065
  • Igor Aronson, Baruch Meerson and Pavel V Sasorov, 1995, "Front-curvature effects in the dynamics of confined radiatively bistable plasmas: Perfect patterns and Ostwald ripening", Physical Review E, 52, (1), pp. 948
  • Igor Aronson, M Gitterman and B Ya Shapiro, 1995, "Spiral fluxons and a characteristic frequency in two-dimensional Josephson junctions", Physical Review B, 52, (17), pp. 12878
  • Stefan Popp, Olaf Stiller, Igor Aronson and Lorenz Kramer, 1995, "Hole solutions in the 1D complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 84, (3), pp. 398–423
  • Igor Aronson, M Gitterman and B Ya Shapiro, 1995, "Onset of vortices in thin superconducting strips and wires", Physical Review B, 51, (5), pp. 3092
  • Igor Aronson, David Kessler and Igor Mitkov, 1995, "Drift of spiral waves in excitable media", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 85, (1-2), pp. 142–155
  • Lev Tsimring, Herbert Levine, Igor Aronson, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen, Ofer Shochet and William N Reynolds, 1995, "Aggregation patterns in stressed bacteria", Physical review letters, 75, (9), pp. 1859
  • Igor Aronson and Lev Tsimring, 1995, "Domain walls in wave patterns", Physical review letters, 75, (18), pp. 3273
  • Igor Aronson, 1995, "Frequency selection of spiral waves in liquid crystals", Physical Review E, 51, (5), pp. R3827
  • Michael Abraham, Igor Aronson and Barak Galanti, 1995, "Vortex dynamics in a model of superflow: The role of acoustic excitations", Physical Review B, 52, (10), pp. R7018
  • Igor Mitkov, Igor Aronson and David A Kessler, 1995, "Interaction of spiral waves with external fields in excitable media", Physical Review E, 52, (6), pp. 5974
  • Igor Aronson, David Kessler and Igor Mitkov, 1994, "Boundary-induced drift of spirals in excitable media", Physical Review E, 50, (4), pp. R2395
  • Igor Aronson, Lorenz Kramer and Andreas Weber, 1994, "Core instability and spatiotemporal intermittency of spiral waves in oscillatory media", Physical review letters, 72, (15), pp. 2316
  • Igor Aronson, M Gitterman and B Ya Shapiro, 1994, "Motion of vortices in thin superconducting strips", Journal of low temperature physics, 97, (3-4), pp. 215–228
  • Igor Aronson, Lorenz Kramer and Andreas Weber, 1993, "Theory of interaction and bound states of spiral waves in oscillatory media", Physical Review E, 47, (5), pp. 3231
  • Igor Aronson, Baruch Meerson and Pavel V Sasorov, 1993, "Nonlinear radiative-condensation instability and pattern formation: One-dimensional dynamics", Physical Review E, 47, (6), pp. 4337
  • Igor Aronson, Lorenz Kramer and Andreas Weber, 1993, "Formation of asymmetric states of spiral waves in oscillatory media", Physical Review E, 48, (1), pp. R9
  • Stefan Popp, Olaf Stiller, Igor Aronson, Andreas Weber and Lorenz Kramer, 1993, "Localized hole solutions and spatiotemporal chaos in the 1D complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Physical review letters, 70, (25), pp. 3880
  • Igor Aronson, Baruch Meerson and Toshiki Tajima, 1992, "Excitation of solitons by an external resonant wave with a slowly varying phase velocity", Physical Review A, 45, (10), pp. 7500
  • Igor Aronson, L Aranson, L Kramer and A Weber, 1992, "Stability limits of spirals and traveling waves in nonequilibrium media", Physical Review A, 46, (6), pp. R2992
  • Igor Aronson, D Golomb and Haim Sompolinsky, 1992, "Spatial coherence and temporal chaos in macroscopic systems with asymmetrical couplings", Physical review letters, 68, (24), pp. 3495
  • Igor Aronson, Lorenz Kramer and Andreas Weber, 1992, "Dynamics of vortices in current-carrying superconducting films", Journal of low temperature physics, 89, (5), pp. 859–868
  • A Weber, L Kramer, Igor Aronson and L Aranson, 1992, "Stability limits of traveling waves and the transition to spatiotemporal chaos in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 61, (1-4), pp. 279–283
  • Igor Aronson, AB Ezersky, MI Rabinovich and L Sh Tsimring, 1991, "Impurity transport in parametrically excited capillary ripples", Physics Letters A, 153, (4-5), pp. 211–218
  • Igor Aronson, L Kramer and A Weber, 1991, "Interaction of spirals in oscillatory media", Physical review letters, 67, (3), pp. 404
  • Igor Aronson, L Kramer and A Weber, 1991, "On the interaction of spiral waves in non-equilibrium media", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 53, (2-4), pp. 376–384
  • Igor Aronson and MI Rabinovich, 1990, "Dynamics of spiral waves in non-equilibrium media", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 23, (3), pp. 299
  • Igor Aronson, KA Gorshkov, AS Lomov and MI Rabinovich, 1990, "Stable particle-like solutions of multidimensional nonlinear fields", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 43, (2-3), pp. 435–453
  • Igor Aronson and KE Beilin, 1990, "Chaotic dynamics of an envelope soliton coupled to a low-frequency field", Physics Letters A, 148, (3-4), pp. 171–176
  • Igor Aronson, MI Rabinovich and L Sh Tsimring, 1990, "Anomalous diffusion of particles in regular fields", Physics Letters A, 151, (9), pp. 523–528
  • Igor Aronson, VS Afraimovich and MI Rabinovich, 1990, "Stability of spatially homogeneous chaotic regimes in unidirectional chains", Nonlinearity, 3, (3), pp. 639
  • Igor Aronson, 1990, "Decay of the envelope soliton under the action of $d$-kicks and a’soliton standard map’", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 23, (24), pp. 5829
  • Igor Aronson, KA Gorshkov, AS Lomov and Mikhail Izrailevich Rabinovich, 1990, "Nonlinear dynamics of the localized states of multidimensional fields", Physics-Uspekhi, 33, (4), pp. 300–302
  • Igor Aronson, AV Gaponov-Grekhov, KA Gorshkov and MI Rabinovich, 1990, "Models of turbulence: chaotic dynamics of structures", Chaos/Soviet-American perspectives of Nonlinear Sciene, pp. 183–196
  • Igor Aronson and NF Rul’kov, 1989, "Nontrivial structure of synchronization zones in multidimensional systems", Physics Letters A, 139, (8), pp. 375–378
  • Igor Aronson, KA Gorshkov and MI Rabinovich, 1989, "Stochastization and spreading of wave trains in an oscillating potential", Physics Letters A, 139, (1-2), pp. 65–70
  • Igor Aronson, AV Gaponov-Grekhov and MI Rabinovich, 1988, "The onset and spatial development of turbulence in flow systems", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 33, (1), pp. 1–20
  • Igor Aronson and NF Rul’Kov, 1988, "Chaos and bifurcations of multidimensional tori in an oscillator with a ferrite resonator", Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 58, pp. 1656–1670
  • Igor Aronson and NN Verichev, 1988, "Dynamics of quasiperiodic wave motions in unidirectional strings of oscillators", Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 31, (1), pp. 22–31
  • Igor Aronson, AV Gaponov-Grekhov and MI Rabinovich, 1987, "Generation of autostructures-Instability hierarchy and bifurcations", Vsesoiuznoe Soveshchanie po Fizike Magnitnykh Zhidkostei, 3rd, Stavropol, USSR, Sept. 23-25, 1986 Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Izvestiia, Seriia Fizicheskaia (ISSN 0367-6765), vol. 51, June 1987, p. 1133-1143. In Russian., 51, pp. 1133–1143
  • Igor Aronson and DA Pavlov, 1986, "Paths of transition to stochastic oscillations in a self-oscillator with a ferrite resonator", Radiofizika, 29, pp. 781–787
  • Igor Aronson and DA Pavlov, 1986, "Transition paths to stochastic oscillations of a self-excited oscillator with a ferrite resonator", Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 29, (7), pp. 602–607
  • Igor Aronson, AV Gaponov-Grekhov and MI Rabinovich, 1985, "The development of chaos in dynamic structure ensembles", Zhurnal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 89, pp. 92–105
  • Igor Aronson, KA Gorshkov and MI Rabinovitch, 1984, "The formation of stochasticity in the interaction between a modulation soliton and low-frequency waves", Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 86, pp. 929–936

Research Projects

  • June 2024 - June 2026, "Ultrasound microfluidic cell manipulation and separation," (Sponsor: MRI PSU).
  • August 2017 - July 2022, "Control of flagellated bacteria motion in anisotropic fluids," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow of the Advanced Studies Institute, Cergy University, Paris, France, January 2024 - January 2026
  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, November 2019 - January 2020


Service to Penn State:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Organizer, Mathematics of Living Matter, October 2018 - October 2018
  • Other, Co-Chairperson, January 2017
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Organizer, Biology and Big Data, March 2018

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Organizer, International Conference on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, August 2018 - July 2019



The Department of Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and doctorate degree programs in biomedical engineering. Our work combines traditional engineering principles with medicine and technology for the betterment of human health and society. 

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