Undergraduate Majors and Minors

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biomedical Engineering

The bachelor of science degree program in biomedical engineering offers four specialized degree options. Each option provides a tailored academic plan, allowing students to focus on key areas, including biochemical engineering, biomaterials, medical imaging and devices, and biomechanics.

Biochemical Option

Biomaterials Option

Medical Imaging and Devices Option

Biomechanics Option

Minor in Biomedical Engineering


The Penn State Department of Biomedical Engineering offers an undergraduate minor in biomedical engineering. The minor is open to students in any undergraduate program, but it is particularly suitable for engineering students seeking careers in health-related professions.

The biomedical engineering minor allows students to develop interests in medical engineering applications while pursuing an undergraduate degree in another engineering major, physics, or other applied science.

View the biomedical engineering minor information in the Penn State Bulletin »

Admission Requirements

All students who wish to apply to the biomedical engineering minor should be in their fifth semester at Penn State, admitted to a major, and have completed the required courses:

To apply for biomedical engineering minor, please follow these steps:

  1. Talk with your academic adviser about incorporating the minor into your major and to develop a semester-by-semester plan for meeting requirements.
  2. You can apply for the minor by adding it in LionPATH. You should do this as early as possible, but you can apply up to the late drop deadline of your graduating semester.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email once you declare the minor in LionPATH.

Minor Requirements

Students must complete 18-20 credits with a grade of C or better to successfully complete the minor. Nine credit hours must be completed in biomedical engineering coursework.

Choose 3-4 credits of physiology:

Choose 3-4 credits of molecular/cell biology:

Choose 9-12 credits of supporting courses:

  • Any BME 400-level or BIOE 500-level course

Choose 0-3 credits of electives:

Questions and requests specific to the BME minor should be emailed to bmeminor@engr.psu.edu.

Commonwealth Campus Information

Students enrolled at Penn State commonwealth campuses may generally satisfy the course requirements for biomedical engineering for the first three semesters. Students should enroll in E MCH 211 and E MCH 213 to substitute for the E MCH 210 requirement.

Provided progress has been made toward the biomedical engineering requirements, students should request a transfer to University Park beginning with the spring semester of their second year. This is required so that they can enroll in BME 201, which is only offered at University Park, and CMPSC 200, which is not offered at all other campus locations.

Contact Information

  • Undergraduate Office
    122 Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Building

BME Major:

BME Minor:

Advising Topics

Advising Contact

  • Justin Brown
    BME Undergraduate Program Coordinator


The Department of Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and doctorate degree programs in biomedical engineering. Our work combines traditional engineering principles with medicine and technology for the betterment of human health and society. 

Department of Biomedical Engineering

122 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-863-6614

Email: bme@engr.psu.edu